Aplications of management go back as far as early primitive tribes. For example, anthropologists relate that the concept of authority was very apparent in many early societies and that survival depended to a great extent upon established authority structures. In later civilizations, management planning, organizing, and control became more evident, particularly in the construction of pyramids in ancient Egypt.
One of the earliest and most interesting application of management is seen in the Biblical story of Moses and the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. In this story, Jethro - Moses' father - in - law - advised him that he should choose able men as rulers over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens since he (Moses) did not have the time and strength to judge all of the people personally. Here, an important management concept is shown in Moses' acceptance of the staff advice and counsel given by Jethro. Also, the organizing ability of Moses is illustrated throught his delegations of authority to others in order to create a hierarchy of authority. The statement that every great matter should be brought to Moses, but every small matter should be judged by the people thenselves, is an example of management by exeption. In addition, the selection of "able men out of all Israel" illustrates the importance of the actuating function.
In early Greece, management concepts were recognized by Plato, particularly the importance of a specialization of labor as a means for increasing productivity. Socrates noted that a good manager in one organization could, in the right situation, be equally succesful in another. Furthermore, descriptions of the ancient Greek city

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