Henri Fayol developed one of the earlist comprehensive theories of general management. As managing director of the Commentary Fourchambult Mining Company in France from 1888 to 1918, Fayol moved the company from a declining business to one of France's greatest combines. This succes was largely due to Fayol's development and application of various management concept. Many of his writings are still relevant and have contributed greatly to modern management thought. In recognition of his work, Fayol is often called the father of the management process point of view. His major book, however, was not translated from French into english until 1925 and received little attention in the United States until 1949 . Thus, applications of his earlier work were delayed for more than years, thereby slowing the advancement of management thought in the unites states.
Since several of Fayol's ideas assist in explaining the nature and content of management, they deserve added consideration. Three of these concepts concern (1) management competence versus technical competence, (2) the scientific nature of management, and (3) the universality of management. These and other issues are discussed in the following sections.

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