Fayol sugested that managerial competence should be distinguished from the technical competencies found in engineering, production, marketing, and finance. Without question, managers cannot completely remove themselves from the performance of certain specialzed types of work, such as production or sales. Likewise, the director of nursing in a hospital may work closely with floor nurse. A major difference between managers and nonmanahers stems from the fact that managers plan, organize, actuate, and exercise control over the various technical operations of an organization. Thus, managers must have a working knowledge of certain technical operations, even though they are not directly responsible for performing such duties themselves.
The expand, we see that top-management positions do not normally include the narrow technical responsibilities found in middle - or lower level management jobs. This is especially true in large organizations where decision making at higher management levels is levels likely to focus on a single technical operation. Increasingly, however, managerial advancement will require an ability to deal with a variety of technical and social functions of organizations not as compartmentalized, but as interrelated, portions of the total management process. Efforts to achieve this coordination of specialities in organizations operating within complex and changing environments may lead to renewed interest in the "Office of the president" where two ore more top-level executives operate as a management team to develope and to implement policies at the presidential level.

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