Writing to congratulate the Society for the Advancement of Management on its golden anniversary in 1963. Presiden John F. Kennedy stated: "Much of the Free World's success in using its human resources fully and with dignity can be laid to enlightened and progresive management.....It is managers who grow with the needs and resources of their time that we must continue to look for the new ideas and their implementation to meet the challenges of the future."

Today, we see or hear the world management almost daily. Some of our friends are managers, and we read of well-run and poorly managed organizations. When one stop to think about management, however, various questions come to mind. What is management ? Why is it so important today ? Has it always been important ? Is there a body of knowledge about management ?
If so, can the pratice of management be improved through a study of such knowledge ?

Question such as these cannot be answered in a single chapter. As an introduction, therefore, this chapter survey only those fundamental issues that will provide a foundation for an in-depth study of the management concepts and theories presented in all other chapters.

1. To portray management as a dynamic process that essential in coordinating the human and material resources of all organizations.

2. To introduce and discuss the importance of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling as the function of management.

3. To outline various concepts and issues that are found in current management thought.

4. To present approaches that have been followed in the study and pratice of management.

5. To show that art of management cannot be sparated from the science of management.

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